scroll to the end of this post to see how this image was captured Hello! Lately, I've been striking off some tasks from my long ...

scroll to the end of this post to see how this image was captured Hello! Lately, I've been striking off some tasks from my long pending TODO list. First, I finished off with summrizer and now this, which has been in my list since quite a long time! After implementing a simple hand gesture recognizer using Python + OpenCV, I...

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Recently, I've been working on implementing a text summarization script in Python (previous blog post ). I've built a naive imp...

Recently, I've been working on implementing a text summarization script in Python (previous blog post). I've built a naive implementation of a text summarizer and also a custom Text Context Analyzer which is basically a kind of self-customized Part Of Speech and Noun Phrase tagger which determines that what the content is about i.e. the important context of...

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EDIT: Completed the project :) see here I had started working on this project 6-7 months ago. I left it mid-way as I got busy with som...

EDIT: Completed the project :) see here I had started working on this project 6-7 months ago. I left it mid-way as I got busy with something else but, now I am again onto this :D. The plan was to create something insanely awesome but, then I recalled few words; someone told me once that first one should...

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I am grateful to this wonderful community who introduced me to the world of Open Source and I owe them a lot for my success in GSoC, 201...

I am grateful to this wonderful community who introduced me to the world of Open Source and I owe them a lot for my success in GSoC, 2015. I learned a lot of new things by interacting with this awesome community. In the beginning of my journey to Open Source, I learned about few concepts through the training...

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Passed the final evaluations :) Thanks to my mentors: Thomas and Saurabh for their support and guidance. I learned a lot about open source...

Passed the final evaluations :) Thanks to my mentors: Thomas and Saurabh for their support and guidance. I learned a lot about open source and moin-2.0 in these 3 months of coding period. I would like to congratulate all the 916 students who passed the final evaluations (as per the official blog). I've also uploaded the code sample,...

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I got my threaded comments feature finally working :D Struggled a lot for implementing a comment tree structure but fortunately, it is w...

I got my threaded comments feature finally working :D Struggled a lot for implementing a comment tree structure but fortunately, it is working quite nicely now. It was very important as without creating a comment-tree structure, we would have ended making queries for every single comment to get it's replies. It's obviously an inefficient way and for a...

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I've been working on implementing advanced search feature to filter tickets based on its metadata like effort, severity, difficulty, pr...

I've been working on implementing advanced search feature to filter tickets based on its metadata like effort, severity, difficulty, priority, author, tags and assignee. In this way a user can filter tickets based on specific requirements by filling the advanced search form. For this I created a new view: /+tickets/query which contains a form for searching tickets. Screenshot:...

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Passed my mid term evaluations :) Thanks to my mentors for all their support and guidance. I've been working on implementing threaded...

Passed my mid term evaluations :) Thanks to my mentors for all their support and guidance. I've been working on implementing threaded comments in ticket modify view. Earlier the comments were created by creating message markups of all the comments and then concatenating them in the content part of the ticket item. In this way, editing/reply to comments...

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In the 3rd week of the coding period, I worked on file upload feature, to upload files in the ticket create and modify view. Now one can up...

In the 3rd week of the coding period, I worked on file upload feature, to upload files in the ticket create and modify view. Now one can upload any patch file, media file or screenshots. CR (for file upload feature) : We had a meeting over our IRC channel where I discussed about my work and cleared...

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The coding period started 2 weeks ago, from 25th May. In these two weeks I worked according to the timeline which I created during the com...

The coding period started 2 weeks ago, from 25th May. In these two weeks I worked according to the timeline which I created during the community bonding period. I worked on implementing Ajax based searching of duplicate tickets feature. Initially, I thought that it has to be created using Whoosh and JQuery from scratch but it turned out...

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MoinMoin is an open source, advanced, easy to use wiki engine implemented in Python . It is a collaborative software that runs a...

MoinMoin is an open source, advanced, easy to use wiki engine implemented in Python. It is a collaborative software that runs a wiki which allows users to create and edit web pages collaboratively. Some of the sites using MoinMoin wiki engine includes: Python, Mercurial, Apache, Ubuntu, Debian, Wireshark and many more. In GSoC 2015, I'll be working on...

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I started my open source journey from December' 2014. I am quite fascinated with the concept of open source, I love contributing to cod...

I started my open source journey from December' 2014. I am quite fascinated with the concept of open source, I love contributing to code and it feels great to see my contribution doing something good for the community. You learn everyday, I've learned that it doesn't matter how big is your contribution or how much code you write,...

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This python script can be used to analyse hand gestures by contour detection and convex hull of palm region using OpenCV, a library used fo...

This python script can be used to analyse hand gestures by contour detection and convex hull of palm region using OpenCV, a library used for computer vision processes. code: The video below shows the working of the code:   How? 1. Capture frames and convert to grayscale Our ROI is the the hand region, so we capture...

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